News & Upcoming Events
Molly Shoichet Talks Regenerative Medicine at TEDxToronto [VIDEO]
Professor Molly Shoichet was among the inspiring roster of speakers and performers at this year’s TEDxToronto conference, held Thursday, October 22. She described her work in three areas — cancer, blindness and stroke — and how her team is going beyond the treatment of the symptoms toward stopping and even reversing these conditions. Her complete talk is now available online.
World Toilet Day: U of T Engineers Reinventing Hygienic Toilets for Developing World
Professor Yu-Ling Cheng and her team were among the winners at the first Reinvent the Toilet Fair back in 2012. Since then, with continued support from the Gates foundation, they have been working to develop the disinfection process as well as building and refining their mechanical designs. Writer Tyler Irving caught up with Cheng to learn more about how the project is going. Read full interview.
CEGSA Goes Bowling for Movember
You're invited to strike up some fun with CEGSA at our annual Movember Bowling Night on Friday, November 27 for ONLY $5! We are also raising awareness for Movember Canada, a foundation that works towards saving and improving the lives of men affected with prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health issues. Donations will be accepted during Fika (WB247 from 2:30 to 3:30pm on Fridays) and during our bowling bash.
Anyone interested in bowling should send a reply email to cegsa.chemeng@utoronto.ca with their full name. Registration is only finalized once you’ve made the payment of $5, which will be accepted during the next two Fika Fridays.
So strike the date, spare the time for pizza at 4:30pm and bowling at 5:30pm at Bathurst Bowlerama.
Reminder: Interdisciplinary Candidate Seminar
On Friday, November 27 from 10-11am in WB215, Dr. Poupak Mehrani from the University of Ottawa will present Applications of Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds in Polymerization
and Clean Energy Processes.
Reminder: Ashoka Change Leaders Forum: The Future of Talent
On Monday, November 23 at 6pm at the Glenn Gould Studio, exchange ideas, and inspire concrete solutions on how to equip leaders to address emerging challenges. Hear from a roster of world-class speakers (including alumna Sandra Odendahl, RBC's Director of Social Innovation and Integration) whose solutions address large-scale social problems in collaboration with business, public and citizen sectors. Networking reception to follow. Click here for more info.
November 20, 2015
Volume 32, Issue 44
In this issue:
Grad Office
Research Office
Grad Office |
MASc Bypass Oral Examination – L. Davenport Huyer
Date of Meeting: Wednesday, November 25 in WB139 at 10am
Committee: Chair: Prof. C. M. Yip; Supervisor: Prof. M. Radisic; Other Member(s): Prof. T. Bender, Prof. R. Mahadevan
PhD Reading Committee Meeting - S. E. Zarate Munoz
Date of Meeting: Tuesday, November 24 in WB215 at 9am
Committee: Chair: Prof. Y-L. Cheng; Supervisor(s): Prof. E. J. Acosta; Other Member(s): Prof. P. Lee (Pharmacy)
PhD Reading Committee Meeting - A. Ganesh
Date of Meeting: Monday, November 23 in RS412 at 12pm
Committee: Chair: Prof. E. J. Acosta; Supervisor(s): Prof. M. Shoichet; Other Member(s): Prof. B. Shoichet, Prof. S. Wu
PhD Reading Committee Meeting - R. E. Jauregui Miramontes
Date of Meeting: Monday, November 23 in WB115 at 2pm
Committee: Chair: Prof. E. J. Acosta; Supervisor(s): Prof. Y. Lawryshyn; Other Member(s): Prof. D. Banjevic (MIE)
How to Become an Outstanding Student Seminar Fall 2015
Presenter: Michael Sefton
Time and location: Wednesday, December 2 (regular time slot: 12:30pm) in WB116
Subject: Hypothesis formulation and testing
SGS Sessional Dates and Deadlines
Visit the SGS website for important dates and deadlines.
Student deadline: Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Graduate unit deadline to SGS:
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
$17,500 for one year
Level of study:
To support Master’s or, in some cases, doctoral programs in Canada
Required legal status:
Domestic students (Canadian citizen or permanent resident)
Week of April 1, 2016 via Research Portal
Question for CGSM NSERC please contact Kelly Nolan (kelly.nolan@utoronto.ca). Please contact Stacey Kwan (staceym.kwan@utoronto.ca) for questions regarding CGSM CIHR.
2016-2017 Autism Scholars Award
Student Deadline to SGS:
Tuesday, December 1, 2015*
Master’s - $18,000;
Doctoral - $20,000
Level of Study:
Master’s or Doctoral
Required Legal Status:
Domestic (Canadian citizens or permanent residents)
April 2016 by agency
Questions for Autism Scholars Award please contact Stacey Kwan (staceym.kwan@utoronto.ca).
2016-2017 Ontario Women’s Health Scholars Award
Student Deadline:
Tuesday, December 1, 2015*
Master’s - $25,000 plus $1,000 research allowance;
Doctoral - $35,000 plus $2,000 research allowance;
Postdoctoral - $50,000 plus $5,000 research allowance
Level of Study:
Master’s, Doctoral or Postdoctoral
Required Legal Status:
Domestic (Canadian citizens or permanent residents)
April 2016 by agency
Applicants must submit their application to the CHE Graduate Office (WB212) by 5pm on December 1. Questions for Autism Scholars Award please contact Stacey Kwan (staceym.kwan@utoronto.ca)
2016-2017 Delta Kappa Gamma World Fellowships
Student Submission Deadline to SGS: Tuesday, December 1, 2015
$4,000 USD
Level of study:
Master’s and Doctoral
Required Legal Status:
International (Citizens of Canada and the United States are ineligible)
Summer 2016 by agency
Each applicant must apply to the SGS Graduate Awards Office by 4pm on December 1. Any questions? Contact SGS Graduate Awards by emailing graduate.awards@utoronto.ca or calling 416-946-0808.
2016 John Charles Polanyi Prizes
Award Overview
Applicant Deadline to Graduate Unit:
Tuesday, December 1, 2015*
Graduate Unit Deadline to SGS:
Monday, December 7, 2015
Level of Study:
Postdoctoral or has faculty appointment
Required Legal Status:
Ontario resident
November 2016 by agency
Click here for details.
*Applicants are to submit their application to CHE graduate office WB212.
Research Office |
Request for Letters of Intent (LOI) - Accelerator Grants in Genomic Medicine 2016: Whole Genome Sequencing, Analysis, and Informatics in Health
LOI Deadline: December 11, 2015
LOI Decision: January 15, 2016
Application Deadline: March 11, 2016
Application Decision: April 22, 2016
Funding Start: May 1, 2016
LOI form at: www.mclaughlin.utoronto.ca
Pre-submission enquiries are welcomed to encourage potential applicants to understand the intended scope including matching funds. For enquiries or direct submissions contact:
Steve Scherer, PhD, Director, McLaughlin Centre
Email: stephen.scherer@sickkids.ca; Phone: 416-813-7613; or
Hin Lee, PhD, Program Manager, McLaughlin Centre
Email: hin.lee@utoronto.ca; Phone: 416-813-7654 ext. 309335
Research Publications
Effect of chemical components in white liquor on carbon activation
Namazi, A.B., Allen, D.G., Jia, C.Q.
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 2015, 93 ( 10 ) pp. 1705 - 1712.
Qualitative time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis of root dentin irrigated with sodium hypochlorite, EDTA, or chlorhexidine
Kolosowski, K.P., Sodhi, R.N.S., Kishen, A., Basrani, B.R.
Journal of Endodontics 2015, 41 ( 10 ) pp. 1672 - 1677.
Central Nervous System
Tuladhar, A., Mitrousis, N., Führmann, T., Shoichet, M.S.
Translational Regenerative Medicine 2014, pp. 415 - 435.
Isolating the effect of pore size distribution on electrochemical double-layer capacitance using activated fluid coke
Zuliani, J.E., Tong, S., Kirk, D.W., Jia, C.Q.
Journal of Power Sources 2015, 300 pp. 190 - 198.
Wednesday, November 25 - LLE, Molecular Bioinspiration and Interfaces,
Markus Linder, Aalto University, Finland, 12:30-2pm, WB116
Thursday, November 26 - Scholars & Leaders Reception, 6-8pm, Massey College
Friday, November 27 - Chem Club Dinner and Dance, 6-10pm, Atlantis (955 Lakeshore Blvd W)
Wednesday, December 9 - LLE, Aggregation-Induced Emission: Together We Shine,
Ben-Zhong Tang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 12:30-2pm, WB116
Wednesday, February 24, 2016 - LLE, Research in an Industrial Catalysis World: A Lifelong Adventure, Stuart Soled, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co.,
12:30-2pm, WB116
Wednesday, March 2, 2016 - LLE, Bioconversion of Methane by Aerobic Methanotrophic Bacteria,
Mary Lidstrom, University of Washington,
12:30-2pm, WB116
Wednesday, March 16, 2016 - LLE, 2015 AEESP Distinguished Lecturer,
The Interplay Between Chemicals and Microbiomes; An Environmental Biotechnology Perspective,
Nancy Love, University of Michigan,
12:30-2pm, WB116
Wednesday, March 23, 2016 - LLE, Making the Environment Part of the Next Generation of Urban Water Infrastructure,
David Sedlak, University of California, Berkeley,
12:30-2pm, WB116
Wednesday, March 30, 2016 - LLE, Thermodynamics in Cryobiology: How Math Can Save Knees,
Janet Elliott, University of Alberta,
12:30-2pm, WB116
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CHEM ENG NEWS is a weekly summary of news, events and opportunities for students, faculty and staff of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. If you have questions or comments, please contact: external.chemeng@utoronto.ca. Catch up on missed issues by visiting our archive.
All contents copyrighted. © 2010 The Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto. |