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ChemE Alum Receives Order of Canada

William Breukelman (ChemE 5T5), chair of Business Arts and co-founder of Imax, was recently named an officer of the Order of Canada in recognition for his entrepreneurship as head of these pioneering imaging companies.

Breukelman joins Barry French (ChemE 5T5) who became an officer of the Order of Canada in 2007. French was part of the three person team that performed calculations on slide rules, which aided in the safe return of Apollo 13.


November 8, 2013

Volume 30, Issue 37

In this issue:

Departmental Offices
Chem Eng Events


Departmental Offices


Grad Office

Ph.D. Qualifying Examination – Y. Zhao
Date of Meeting: Thursday, November 14 in WB407 at 2pm
Committee: Chair: Prof. V. G. Papangelakis; Supervisor: Prof. M. Radisic; Other Member(s): Prof. M. V. Sefton, Prof. A. Wheeler

Date of Meeting: Thursday, November 14 in WB115 at 11am
Committee: Chair: Prof. A. Yakunin; Supervisor(s): Prof. E. A. Edwards; Other Member(s): Prof. R. Beiko, Prof. R. Mahadevan

Graduate Awards
Tri-Agency “CGSM” Awards
Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council (NSERC) “NSERC CGSM”
Social Sciences & Humanities Research Counci (SSHRC) “SSHRC CGSM”
Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR) “CIHR CGSM”
Open to Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents.
Online Deadline: Sunday, December 1
Departmental Submission Deadline: Monday, December 2

Graduate Office Hours

Mon, Nov 11: 11:30am-5pm for Remembrance Day
Tues, Nov 12: 2-5pm for Fall Convocation Ceremony
Wed, Nov 13 to Fri, Nov 15: 9:30am-1pm and 2:30-5pm

Research Office

Structural transitions in nanoparticle assemblies governed by competing nanoscale forces
Choueiri, R.M., Klinkova, A., Thérien-Aubin, H., Rubinstein, M., Kumacheva, E.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135 (28) pp. 10262-10265

The evolution of soot morphology in a laminar coflow diffusion flame of a surrogate for Jet A-1
Kholghy, M., Saffaripour, M., Yip, C., Thomson, M.J.
Combustion and Flame, 160 (10) pp. 2119-2130

Linking RNA measurements and proteomics with genome-scale models
Gowen, C.M., Fong, S.S.
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J), 985 pp. 429-445

Metabolic model refinement using phenotypic microarray data
Gawand, P., Yang, L., Cluett, W.R., Mahadevan, R.
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 985 pp. 47-59

Genome sequence and functional genomic analysis of the oil-degrading bacterium Oleispira antarctica
Kube, M., Chernikova, T.N., Al-Ramahi, Y., Beloqui, A., Lopez-Cortez, N., Guazzaroni, M.-E., Heipieper, H.J., Klages, S., Kotsyurbenko, O.R., Langer, I., Nechitaylo, T.Y., Lünsdorf, H., Fernández, M., Juárez, S., Ciordia, S., Singer, A., Kagan, O., Egorova, O., Alain Petit, P., Stogios, P., Kim, Y., Tchigvintsev, A., Flick, R., Denaro, R., Genovese, M., Albar, J.P., Reva, O.N., Martínez-Gomariz, M., Tran, H., Ferrer, M., Savchenko, A., Yakunin, A.F., Yakimov, M.M., Golyshina, O.V., Reinhardt, R., Golyshin, P.N.
Nature Communications 2013, 4, art. No. 2156

In situ plasmonic counter for polymerization of chains of gold nanorods in solution
Liu, K., Ahmed, A., Chung, S., Sugikawa, K., Wu, G., Nie, Z., Gordon, R., Kumacheva, E.
ACS Nano 2013, 7(7) pp. 5901-5910




PhD Student Wins a Students Discovery Award
Alex Dumitrache, supervised by Professor Grant Allen, is ChemE's first PhD student to receive the Department's new Students Discovery Award, an honour that recognizes publications by grad students. If you're a current ChemE grad student, you might qualify for the award as well. For details, click here.

Editorial Correction
In the Students Discovery Award announcement that appeared in the Friday, November 1 issue of CHEM ENG NEWS, the story should have cited Professor A.F. Yakunin as Sofia Lemak's MASc supervisor. CHEM ENG NEWS regrets this error. To learn more about the award, click here.

Special Lecture and Meet-and-Greet
On Thursday, November 21 at 3pm in SF1105, Dr. Tuyen Tran from Intel's Technology Development Division will be giving a special talk on the history of transistor scaling at Intel, the future of Moore's Law, as well as Intel's research, development and manufacturing methodology and silicon technology leadership. Professors and grad students interested in meeting Dr. Tran after the lecture should email tony.chan.carusone@isl.utoronto.ca

Alumni Breakfast
ILead ChemE will be having its annual Alumni Breakfast on Wednesday, November 21 from 8-9am in GB202. This event is an opportunity for current students, faculty, staff and alumni to mix-and-mingle, and to catch up. Space is limited so register early! To register, click here.

Ace the Interview
ILead ChemE will be hosting its Ace the Interview event on Wednesday, November 27 from 5:30-8pm. The group is looking for a few volunteers to help students participating in the event with their interviewing skills. If you are interested in volunteering, please email cecilia.konney@utoronto.ca by Monday, November 18.

WHMIS Online Course
All individuals who could not attend the in-person WHMIS training on Monday, October 7 must complete the online course (including quiz) by Saturday, November 30. For more details, email leticia.gutierrez@utoronto.ca

Graduate Research Weekend Registration
To assist in planning, professors interested in participating in Graduate Research Weekend (Jan 31-Feb 2, 2014), should register online at their earliest convenience.


Chem Eng Events

Click here for the Chem Eng Calendar


November 20, 2013 - LLE: Michael E. Mackay, University of Delaware, Solar Energy and Plastics - Do These Two Words Belong Together, 12:30-2pm, WB116.

November 27, 2013 - LLE: David Julian McClements, University of Massachusetts, Structured Colloidal Delivery Systems for Encapsulation and Delivery of Bioactive Components, 12:30-2pm, WB116.

January 8, 2014 - LLE: Jillian Buriak, University of Alberta, Opening the Black Box of Nanostructure Syntheses - Steps to Understanding Chemistry on the Nanoscale, 12:30-2pm, WB116.

January 15, 2014 - LLE: Suzanne Kresta, University of Alberta, Innovation, Reliability, or Both? Education for Engineers as Entrepreneurs and Leaders, 12:30-2pm, WB116.

January 22, 2014 - Emerging Leaders: Suljo Linic, Conversion of Solar into Chemical Energy on Plasmonic Metal Nanostructures, 12:30–2pm, WB116.

January 31, 2014 - ChemE Industry Open House: Faculty registration available online.

January 31 - February 2, 2014 - GRW: Faculty registration available online.

February 5, 2014 - Emerging Leaders: Eduardo Asselin, University of British Columbia, title of talk pending, 12:30–2pm, WB116.

March 19, 2014 - Emerging Leaders: Todd Squires, University of California, title of talk pending, 12:30–2pm, WB116.

March 26, 2014 - LLE: Norman J. Wagner, University of Delaware, Shear Thickening Fluids and their Applications as Field-responsive Protective Materials, 12:30-2pm, WB116.

March 28, 2014 - 29th Annual Chemical Engineering Dinner: Full details will be provided closer to the date, 6-9:30pm, 89 Chestnut Street Residence.

April 2, 2014 - LLE: Pamela Silver, Harvard Medical School, Building with Biology for Health and Sustainability, 12:30-2pm, WB116.

April 9, 2014 - Emerging Leaders: Chris Cappa, University of California, Berkeley, The Influence of Chemical Mixing and Morphology on the Heterogeneous Oxidation of Organic Particles, 12:30–2pm, WB116.


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CHEM ENG NEWS is a weekly summary of news, events and opportunities for students, faculty and staff of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. If you have questions or comments, please contact: external.chemeng@utoronto.ca. Catch up on missed issues by visiting our archive.

  All contents copyrighted. © 2010 The Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto.