News & Upcoming Events
Continuing the Momentum of Graditude

Recently, ChemE-student clubs received $3,452.10 provided by the 2015 Graditude Campaign, U of T Engineering’s fundraising program for students. ChemE 1T5's donations - totaling $1,676.o5 - was generously matched by a Faculty donor, and an additional $100 was provided by the Faculty due to our students achieving the highest 2015 departmental-dollar amount. Pictured above are our 2016 Graditude representatives with Sonia De Buglio from the alumni office and Professor Grant Allen. Let's support our 2016 team in raising even more money.
ChemE Alum Wins Don Valley North
Political newcomer Geng Tan (MASc 0T0, PhD 0T5) took Don Valley North for the Liberals on Monday, October 19. Tan, who was born in China and has made Canada home for nearly two decades, holds a PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Toronto and is active with community groups that help new Canadians. Read more.
ChemE Student Qualifies for Canadian National Swimming Championship

ChemE student Edward Liu (1T7) secured a spot at the Canadian national swimming championship at last weekend’s Downtown Sprint meet held at the University of Toronto. Edward, who is part of the U of T Varsity Blues swimming team, specializes in the butterfly and placed 1st in the 50m butterfly at the 2014 CIS championships.
SOCAAR Seminar Series on Wed, Nov 4
On Wednesday, November 4 from 3-4pm in WB407, Julia Burkart (PDF) and Megan Willis (PhD student) from U of T's Department of Chemistry will present, Exploring the Connections Between Aerosols and Clouds in the High Artic Summer.
Reminder: Special Seminar on Wed, Nov 4
On Wednesday, November 4 from 12:30-2pm in WB116, Michael C. Kavanaugh, Principal at Geosyntec Consultants Inc., will be giving a special seminar entitled, The Legacy Site Challenge: Getting to Closure, which provides an overview of the legacy site challenge, primarily focused on the US experience, and discuss lessons learned in the pursuit of legacy site restoration that may be of value to other nations in earlier stages of industrial development.
REMINDER: WHMIS Refresher on Thu, Nov 5
Our Annual WHMIS refresher session will be held on Thursday, November 5 from 12-1pm in SF-1105. Only one in-person session will be held. Doors will be locked once the session begins at 12:10pm. No exceptions. So please be prompt.
October 23, 2015
Volume 32, Issue 40
In this issue:
Grad Office
Grad Office |
Date of Meeting: Tuesday, October 27 in CCBR White Room at 2pm
Committee: Chair: Prof. A. McGuigan; Supervisor(s): Prof. M. Shoichet; Other Member(s): Prof. C. Morshead
PhD Qualifying Examination – K Y. Lam
Date of Meeting: Wednesday, October 28 in WB115 at 10am
Committee: Chair: Prof. T. Bender; Supervisor: Prof. E. Passeport; Other Member(s): Prof. E. A. Edwards, Prof. B. Sherwood Lollar
Monday, November 2: Final date to drop Fall session full or half courses without academic penalty.
Student deadline: Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Graduate unit deadline to SGS:
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
$17,500 for one year
Level of study:
To support Master’s or, in some cases, doctoral programs in Canada
Required legal status:
Domestic students (Canadian citizen or permanent resident)
Week of April 1, 2016 via Research Portal
Question for CGSM NSERC please contact Kelly Nolan (kelly.nolan@utoronto.ca). Please contact Stacey Kwan (staceym.kwan@utoronto.ca) for questions regarding CGSM CIHR.
2016-2017 Autism Scholars Award
Student Deadline to SGS:
Tuesday, December 1, 2015*
Master’s - $18,000;
Doctoral - $20,000
Level of Study:
Master’s or Doctoral
Required Legal Status:
Domestic (Canadian citizens or permanent residents)
April 2016 by agency
Questions for Autism Scholars Award please contact Stacey Kwan (staceym.kwan@utoronto.ca).
2016-2017 Ontario Women’s Health Scholars Award
Student Deadline:
Tuesday, December 1, 2015*
Master’s - $25,000 plus $1,000 research allowance;
Doctoral - $35,000 plus $2,000 research allowance;
Postdoctoral - $50,000 plus $5,000 research allowance
Level of Study:
Master’s, Doctoral or Postdoctoral
Required Legal Status:
Domestic (Canadian citizens or permanent residents)
April 2016 by agency
Applicants must submit their application to the CHE Graduate Office (WB212) by 5pm on December 1. Questions for Autism Scholars Award please contact Stacey Kwan (staceym.kwan@utoronto.ca)
2016-2017 Delta Kappa Gamma World Fellowships
Student Submission Deadline to SGS: Tuesday, December 1, 2015
$4,000 USD
Level of study:
Master’s and Doctoral
Required Legal Status:
International (Citizens of Canada and the United States are ineligible)
Summer 2016 by agency
Each applicant must apply to the SGS Graduate Awards Office by 4pm on December 1. Any questions? Contact SGS Graduate Awards by emailing graduate.awards@utoronto.ca or calling 416-946-0808.
2016 John Charles Polanyi Prizes
Award Overview
Applicant Deadline to Graduate Unit:
Tuesday, December 1, 2015*
Graduate Unit Deadline to SGS:
Monday, December 7, 2015
Level of Study:
Postdoctoral or has faculty appointment
Required Legal Status:
Ontario resident
November 2016 by agency
Click here for details.
*Applicants are to submit their application to CHE graduate office WB212.
Wednesday, November 11 - LLE, Open Source Science: A Road to Industry Engagement and Funding, Aled Edwards, University of Toronto, 12:30-2pm, WB116
Wednesday, November 18 - LLE, Engineering Fracking Fluids with Computer Simulation,
Eric Stefan Shaqfeh, Stanford University, 12:30-2pm, WB116
Wednesday, November 25 - LLE, Molecular Bioinspiration and Interfaces,
Markus Linder, Aalto University, Finland, 12:30-2pm, WB116
Thursday, November 26 - Scholars & Leaders Reception, 6-8pm, Massey College
Friday, November 27 - Chem Club Dinner and Dance, 6-10pm, Atlantis (955 Lakeshore Blvd W)
Wednesday, December 9 - LLE, Aggregation-Induced Emission: Together We Shine,
Ben-Zhong Tang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 12:30-2pm, WB116
Wednesday, February 24, 2016 - LLE, Research in an Industrial Catalysis World: A Lifelong Adventure, Stuart Soled, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co.,
12:30-2pm, WB116
Wednesday, March 2, 2016 - LLE, Bioconversion of Methane by Aerobic Methanotrophic Bacteria,
Mary Lidstrom, University of Washington,
12:30-2pm, WB116
Wednesday, March 16, 2016 - LLE, 2015 AEESP Distinguished Lecturer,
The Interplay Between Chemicals and Microbiomes; An Environmental Biotechnology Perspective,
Nancy Love, University of Michigan,
12:30-2pm, WB116
Wednesday, March 23, 2016 - LLE, Making the Environment Part of the Next Generation of Urban Water Infrastructure,
David Sedlak, University of California, Berkeley,
12:30-2pm, WB116
Wednesday, March 30, 2016 - LLE, Thermodynamics in Cryobiology: How Math Can Save Knees,
Janet Elliott, University of Alberta,
12:30-2pm, WB116
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CHEM ENG NEWS is a weekly summary of news, events and opportunities for students, faculty and staff of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. If you have questions or comments, please contact: external.chemeng@utoronto.ca. Catch up on missed issues by visiting our archive.
All contents copyrighted. © 2010 The Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto. |