On-call session chairs needed for CSChE Conference!
PhDs, Postdocs and Conference Co-organizers, if you're attending (or plan to register for) the CSChE Conference and wouldn't mind being an on-call session chair for talks taking place between Monday, October 29 to Wednesday, October 31 (you don’t have to do all three days), please complete the online form by Wednesday, October 24.
In the event that scheduled session chairs fail to attend (highly unlikely), on-call session chairs simply need to announce the session's speakers (name and talk title), as well as keep track of time.
STEPping up: how ISTEP plans to shape the next generation of engineering leaders
A major shift is underway in the engineering profession. While technical competencies remain paramount, engineering employers are increasingly seeking candidates who demonstrate strong leadership potential, the ability to communicate effectively, and an aptitude for collaborating with colleagues of diverse skill sets and backgrounds. The Institute for Studies in Transdisciplinary Engineering Education and Practice (ISTEP)is developing best practices and novel solutions to prepare students for success in an increasingly global, modern workplace. “The expectations of our engineers are greater than ever before,” said Professor Greg Evans, Interim Director of ISTEP. “That’s why we need to develop a more holistic engineer.” Read more.
MIE Industry Spotlight on Mon, Oct 22
On Monday, October 22, John Walker (MechE 8T2, MASc 8T6), Principal & Founding Partner at Capstone Technology Inc., will be giving a talk entitled, Plant Automation: Leveraging Process Data to Improve the Bottom Line. The talk will take place is BA2159 from 1-2pm. All are welcome to attend (pizza lunch will be served). To attend, register online.
Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy Graduate Programs Open House on Sat, Nov 3
On Saturday, November 3 from 10am to 3pm, the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (315 Bloor St W) will be hosting a Graduate Programs Open House. Representatives from the following programs will be on hand:
- Collaborative Master's and Doctoral Program in South Asian Studies
- Collaborative Master's Program in Asia-Pacific Studies
- Master of Arts in European and Russian Affairs
- Master of Global Affairs (Professional Degree Program)
- Master of Public Policy (Professional Degree Program)
A separate information session for the Master of Global Affairs program held from 12-1pm.
To learn more and to register, click here. For more information, email mga@utoronto.ca.
BioZone special seminar on Thu, Nov 15
BioZone and IWI will be hosting a special seminar on Thursday, November 15 from 1-2pm in WB407. The talk will be given by Dr. Jane Fowler, a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Technical University of Denmark with research interests revolving around sustainable biotechnologies for biological drinking water and wastewater treatment using mixed microbial communities. Her talk is entitled, Biofilm thickness modulates community assembly processes and functionality in wastewater treatment.
October 19, 2018
Volume 35, Issue 37
In this issue:
Chem Eng Events
Reminders |
PDF opportunity at IBBME
Prof. Michael Sefton (ChemE, IBBME) is looking to fill a Postdoctoral Fellow position in the area of Inflammatory response to biomaterials – biomaterial synthesis. The start date is Tuesday, January 1, 2019. For more information as well as details on how to apply, click here. Please feel free to share this annoucement with potential candidates.
Discounted WISE tickets available until Wed, Oct 31
Women in Science and Engineering is proud to present our 7th National Conference in January 2019. Participants will hear from inspirational leaders from a wide range of STEM fields, expand their skillset through technical and professional development workshops, and challenge themselves in competitions. Tickets can be purchased online here. The Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering has generously offered to provide $20 tickets to all students from the Faculty (80% off regular ticket price).
Discounted tickets are available until Wednesday, October 31. If you're a student and would like a discounted ticket, email amrrita.sethi@wiseuoft.org for more information.
SAVE THE DATE: CEGSA Holiday Lunch on Thu, Dec 6
It's that time of year again, please save Thursday, December 6 in your calendar for CEGSA's annual Holiday Lunch. The festive event will run from 12-1pm in the grad common room.
Sunday, October 21 to Tuesday, October 23 - CEAB visit
Sunday, October 28 to Wednesday, October 31 - XXIX Interamerican Congress of Chemical Engineering incorporating the 68th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference: Sheraton Centre, for more information visit www.csche2018.ca
Monday, November 12 - LLE: Lutgarde Raskin, University of Michigan (AEESP Distinguished Lecture Series), co-hosted with CivMin, Ryerson, and York, Can engineering controls shape the drinking water microbiome and reduce the risk of opportunistic infections?, time and location TBD
Wednesday, November 21 - LLE: Alan Aspuru-Guzik, U of T, Department of Chemistry, Closed-loop discovery of materials: Robotics, artificial intelligence and predictive methods for the design of active organic materials, WB116 from 12-1pm
Wednesday, December 5 - LLE: Ron Weiss, MIT, Mammalian Synthetic Biology: Foundation and Therapeutic Applications, WB116 from 12-1pm
Wednesday, January 16, 2019 - LLE: Manos Mavrikakis, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Reaction Mechanisms and Structure Sensitivity for Heterogeneous Catalyst Discovery from First-Principles, WB116 from 12-1pm
Wednesday, January 23, 2019 - LLE: John Lienhard, MIT, Co-hosted with IWI, Thermodynamics and Transport in Desalination Systems Engineering, WB116 from 12-1pm
Friday, February 22, 2019 - GRD: Great Hall, Hart House, full day
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 - LLE: Jennifer Case, Virginia Tech (Education Lecture and Seminar), co-hosted with ISTEP, Going beyond the fads and jargon: What does research tell us about teaching for high quality learning in science and engineering?, WB116 from 12-1pm
Wednesday, March 20, 2019 - LLE: Ian Gilmore, National Physical Laboratory, UK, co-hosted with OCAAM, Metabolic imaging at the single-cell scale - recent advances and future challenges in mass spectrometry imaging, WB116 from 12-1pm
Wednesday, March 27, 2019 - LLE: Alfred Spormann, Stanford, Microbial Electrosynthesis for a Carbon-neutral Energy and Chemicals Economy, WB116 from 12-1pm
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CHEM ENG NEWS is a weekly summary of news, events and opportunities for students, faculty and staff of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. If you have questions or comments, please contact: external.chemeng@utoronto.ca. Catch up on missed issues by visiting our archive.
All contents copyrighted. © 2010 The Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto. |