Early office closure for long weekend
Faculty and staff, the Department will be closing at 3pm today for the long weekend!
First-year orientation
Faculty and staff, just a reminder that we are hosting our welcome session and lunch for first-year students on Wednesday, September 5. If you haven't already accepted the calendar invites sent to you by Jen Hsu on Tuesday, August 7, please do so at your earliest convenience.
2018-19 LLE schedule
The Lectures at the Leading Edge speaker series enhances our culture of excellence by providing a rich view of the broad landscape and far-reaching horizons of chemical engineering and applied chemistry education and research. For 2018-19, all lectures are held on Wednesdays at 12pm in WB116 with the exception of the talk on Monday, November 12 (time and location TBD). Lectures are free, no RSVP is required, and everyone is welcome to attend. For the full schedule, click here.
MEng Project Day on Tue, Oct 2
The Grad Office will be hosting the Department's first MEng Project Day on Tuesday, October 2 in WB215 from 2-4pm. All professors are welcome to attend to promote their MEng projects. For more information, email Brandon Wells at grad.chemeng@utoronto.ca.
REMINDER: 2018 Safety training schedule for new researchers and 4th-year students
CHE 2222H - New graduate students / PDFs / research associates / research assistants / lab technicians / visiting researchers:
- Tuesday, September 4, 9:10am - 12pm, WB116
- Evaluation Examination - Tuesday, September 18, 12-1pm, WB116
4th-year undergraduate students:
- Tuesday, September 4, 9:10am - 12pm, WB116
- Evaluation Examination - Tuesday, September 18, 12-12:30pm, WB116
REMINDER: The CGEN Forum on Thu, Sep 6
The CGEN Forum: Envisioning the Future of Engineering for Global Development will take place on Thursday, September 6. The event will bring together participants from academia, industry and NGOs to learn about how students and faculty working with the Centre for Global Engineering are tackling pressing issues in global development. The event will take place in the on the 5th floor atrium of the new Myhal Centre. Click here for more info and to register.
REMINDER: CEGSA Wine and Cheese on Fri, Sep 14
CEGSA will be hosting its annual Wine and Cheese event on Friday, September 14 in GB202. The event starts at 5pm. This is a great time for staff, students and faculty to meet each other at the start of the new academic year while dining on some delicious cheeses, wine and beer.
August 31, 2018
Volume 35, Issue 30
In this issue:
Grad Office
Chem Eng Events
Grad Office |
MASc DEPARTMENTAL ORAL - Leandra Rhodes-Dicker
Date of Meeting: Tuesday, September 4
Start Time: 10am
Location (Building and Room): WB139
MASc Departmental Oral Examination Committee Membership
Committee: Supervisor: Prof. E. Passeport; Chair: Prof. M. Diamond (Earth Sciences); Other Member(s): Prof. J. Drake (Civil and Mineral Engineering)
Date of Meeting: Wednesday, September 5
Start Time: 2pm
Location (Building and Room): WB215
Thesis Title: Organic Photovoltaics Based on Solution Cast Polymers and Boron Subphthalocyanines – Hybrid Device Architectures Enabling Novel Material Combinations
MASc Departmental Oral Examination Committee Membership
Committee: Supervisor: Prof. T. P. Bender; Chair: Prof. R. Mahadevan; Other Member(s): Prof. A. McGuigan
Date of Meeting: Thursday, September 6
Start Time: 1am
Location (Building and Room): WB139
Thesis Title: Integrity assessment of ultrafiltration and nanofiltration membranes using fluorescent nanoparticles for water and wastewater treatment: bench-scale and pilot study
MASc Departmental Oral Examination Committee Membership
Committee: Supervisor: Prof. R. R. Farnood; Chair: Co-Supervisor: Prof. S. Tabe; Chair: Prof. C. Q. Jia; Other Member(s): Prof. Y. Lawryshyn
Date of Meeting: Thursday, September 6
Start Time: 1pm
Location (Building and Room): WB134
Thesis Title: Chemical Composition of Smoke and House Dust in Fort McMurray after 2016 wildfire
MASc Departmental Oral Examination Committee Membership
Committee: Supervisor: Prof. A. Chan; Chair: Prof. G. J. Evans; Other Member(s): Prof. J. Brook
Wednesday, October 17 - LLE: Angela Belcher, MIT (Irving O. Shoichet Distinguished Lecture), Giving New Life to Materials for Energy, the Environment and Medicine, WB116 from 12-1pm
Sunday, October 21 to Tuesday, October 23 - CEAB visit
Sunday, October 28 to Wednesday, October 31 - XXIX Interamerican Congress of Chemical Engineering incorporating the 68th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference: Sheraton Centre, for more information visit www.csche2018.ca
Monday, November 12 - LLE: Lutgarde Raskin, University of Michigan (AEESP Distinguished Lecture Series), co-hosted with CivMin, Ryerson, and York, Can engineering controls shape the drinking water microbiome and reduce the risk of opportunistic infections?, time and location TBD
Wednesday, November 21 - LLE: Alan Aspuru-Guzik, U of T, Department of Chemistry, Closed-loop discovery of materials: Robotics, artificial intelligence and predictive methods for the design of active organic materials, WB116 from 12-1pm
Wednesday, December 5 - LLE: Ron Weiss, MIT, Mammalian Synthetic Biology: Foundation and Therapeutic Applications, WB116 from 12-1pm
Wednesday, January 16, 2019 - LLE: Manos Mavrikakis, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Reaction Mechanisms and Structure Sensitivity for Heterogeneous Catalyst Discovery from First-Principles, WB116 from 12-1pm
Wednesday, January 23, 2019 - LLE: John Lienhard, MIT, Co-hosted with IWI, Thermodynamics and Transport in Desalination Systems Engineering, WB116 from 12-1pm
Friday, February 22, 2019 - GRD: Great Hall, Hart House, full day
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 - LLE: Jennifer Case, Virginia Tech (Education Lecture and Seminar), co-hosted with ISTEP, Going beyond the fads and jargon: What does research tell us about teaching for high quality learning in science and engineering?, WB116 from 12-1pm
Wednesday, March 20, 2019 - LLE: Ian Gilmore, National Physical Laboratory, UK, co-hosted with OCAAM, Metabolic imaging at the single-cell scale - recent advances and future challenges in mass spectrometry imaging, WB116 from 12-1pm
Wednesday, March 27, 2019 - LLE: Alfred Spormann, Stanford, Microbial Electrosynthesis for a Carbon-neutral Energy and Chemicals Economy, WB116 from 12-1pm
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CHEM ENG NEWS is a weekly summary of news, events and opportunities for students, faculty and staff of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. If you have questions or comments, please contact: external.chemeng@utoronto.ca. Catch up on missed issues by visiting our archive.
All contents copyrighted. © 2010 The Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto. |