Join the newly-established Friends of Soldiers' Tower Carillon
Have you ever walked near Hart House and enjoyed the music of the bells? The Soldiers’ Tower carillon is a 51-bell instrument installed in 1927 to serve as a reminder of the sacrifice of members of the University who gave their lives in war. The carillon is played for Convocations, Remembrance Day, and other special campus events, but was also originally dedicated to serve as a daily reminder of their sacrifice.
If you support the carillon, its intentions, and enjoy brief musical interludes on campus (5-15 minute periods scheduled around classes and events), please join Professor Grant Allen in accepting the invitation of John Fraser (Master; Massey College) to join the Friends of Soldiers’ Tower Carillon, of which he is the founding member.
Members will never be solicited for funds, but may be contacted occasionally with updates and event notices. For more information or to join, please contact Scott Orr (Secretary of the Friends) at There will be a recital given for Canada Day at 1pm by Roy Lee (J.D. 2004) and Scott, who is a current undergraduate in the Department.
U of T Administrative Staff Awards
Once again we have the opportunity to recognize U of T’s outstanding staff contributions. Complete details of the program, including nomination forms, are available here on the ‘Awards & Recognition’ section of the Human Resources & Equity site. Nominations are due on Thursday, July 11, 2013.