Three ChemE Students Win Cressy Awards
Albert Huynh (ChemE 1T2 + PEY)
As Vice President of Student Life for the Engineering Society, Albert Huynh developed programs to fight discrimination and promote inclusivity. In 2009, he managed the New U Student Leadership Conference, which facilitated roundtable discussions between student leaders across the University. Huynh has also trained numerous first-aid patrollers for campus events.
Ajay Kochhar (ChemE 1T3)
As chair of the Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Council, Ajay Kochhar has spearheaded several initiatives, including the U of T ChemE Car Chapter and Impact Apprentice, a four-day competition to challenge and foster Canada’s top 32 entrepreneurial minds. Off campus, he has volunteered with the Oakville Rotary Club, helping with events for seniors.
Arjang Tajbakhsh (ChemE 1T2 + PEY)
Arjang Tajbakhsh has taken on many leadership roles to help shape the university experience for his fellow students in our Department. He has served as the Leadership Development Chair of the Orientation Committee, Chair of the Chemical Engineering Ambassadors, and has served in various capacities for organizations such as the Student Curriculum Committee.
May 10, 2013
Volume 30, Issue 15
In this issue:
Departmental News
Chem Eng Events
Departmental News |
Research Office
Modeling of high-temperature low-pressure silicon-refining process
Mitrašinovi?, A.M., D'Souza, R.J.C., Utigard, T.A., Wen, J.Z.
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 34(5) pp. 331-339
Cluster analysis of roadside ultrafine particle size distributions
Sabaliauskas, K., Jeong, C.-H., Yao, X., Jun, Y.-S., Evans, G.
Atmospheric Environment 2013, 70 pp. 64-74.
A hydrogel composite system for sustained epi-cortical delivery of Cyclosporin A the brain for treatment of stroke
Caicco, M.J., Cooke, M.J., Wang, Y., Tuladhar, A., Morshead, C.M., Shoichet, M.S.
Journal of Controlled Release 2013, 166 (3) pp. 197-202. Articles not published yet, but available online Article in Press
Blood stem cell products: Toward sustainable benchmarks for clinical translation
Csaszar, E., Cohen, S., Zandstra, P.W.
BioEssays 2013, 35 (3) pp. 201-210
Grad Office
Ph.D. Qualifying Examination – M. A. Bryk
Date of Meeting: Monday, May 6, 2013 in WB215 at 10:00 am
Committee: Chair: Prof. A. McGuigan; Supervisor: Prof. R. Newman; Other Member(s): Prof. E. Acosta, Prof. D. W. Kirk
May 10: Final date to enroll in May-June or May-August session courses
May 24: 2013-2014 CGS Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements for CGS Award holders
Special FIKA Friday: Grad Info Session
On Friday, June 21 from 2:30-3:30pm in the Graduate Common Room (WB247) the Grad Office will be hosting an important info session related to grad studies.
Heffernan Commercialization Fellowship
This is an exciting opportunity for a faculty member to nominate an entrepreneurial PhD or MASc recent graduate for a $32,000 one-year fellowship, with the winning fellow then becoming principal of their newly own created company. U of T is hoping to get a strong selection of candidates for this year's fellowship. Deadline for applications is Friday, May 31, 2013. For more information, click here.
Office of the Chair
The Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry invites applications for a tenure-stream appointment, in Extractive Metallurgy and related fields. The
appointment will be at the rank of Assistant Professor and with a nominal start date of May 1, 2014. The successful candidate will have demonstrated excellence,
leadership and innovation in research and teaching. For more information, click here.
Announcements |
CEGSA's Spring Formal: Tickets Now On-sale
Tickets are $55 (first 50 tickets) or $60 for all tickets thereafter (maximum of 100 people). Contact Parthiv (parthiv.amin@mail.utoronto.ca) in WB320 or at CEGSA's Fika Fridays (cash or check accepted). Open bar, buffet dinner, DJ and dancing at Hart House on Friday, June 7 starting at 6pm in the South Dining Room.
The Department has purchased a limited number of tickets for faculty and staff members who wish to attend. Please send an email to mary.butera@utoronto.ca if you plan like to attend. It is best to do this as soon as possible, as these tickets are limited!
Special Lecture on Tuesday, May 14
Professor Dwight Seferos from the Department of Chemistry will be giving a special lecture on Tuesday, May 14 in WB215 starting at 11am on New Materials for Solar Cells, Energy Storage and Catalysis.
CEGSA BBQ Fundraiser on Thursday, May 23
On Thursday, May 23 from 12-3pm, CEGSA will be hosting a BBQ Fundraiser to support Chem Eng Alumni Mike Lacourt and Cody Wood in the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer. Location TBD.
U of T Administrative Staff Awards
Once again we have the opportunity to recognize U of T’s outstanding staff contributions. Complete details of the program, including nomination forms, are available here on the ‘Awards & Recognition’ section of the Human Resources & Equity site. Nominations are due on Thursday, July 11, 2013.
U of T’s science engagement team launches “Science Leadership Program”
To help Canada’s leading scientists and social scientists become even more effective communicators, the University of Toronto’s science engagement team launched its Science Leadership Program at Toronto’s Hotel Intercontinental on May 2. The three-day event drew scientists from our Department, as well as researchers from institutions across the country who wished to develop their communications skills. Click here for the full story.
Biz Skule Event on Tuesday, June 11
The Faculty will be hosting its next Biz Skule event on Tuesday, June 11. The event features a great line up of alumni panelists. Faculty members who wish to attend the event can do so at no charge. For more info, click here.
June 1, 2013 - Spring Reunion: Undergrad Common Room, 11:30-12:30pm
June 7, 2013 - CEGSA's Spring Formal: Hart House, 6:00pm-midnight
June 19, 2013 - Spring Convocation Tour, Lunch and Ceremony: More details available soon, 10am - 4:30pm
June 21, 2013 - Fika Friday: Grad Info Session: Graduate Common Room (WB247), 2:30 - 4:30pm
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CHEM ENG NEWS is a weekly summary of news, events and opportunities for students, faculty and staff of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. If you have questions or comments, please contact: external.chemeng@utoronto.ca. Catch up on missed issues by visiting our archive.
All contents copyrighted. © 2010 The Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto. |