News and Announcements
Molly Shoichet receives Killam Prize in Engineering
University Professor Molly Shoichet (ChemE, IBBME) has received this year’s Killam Prize for Engineering. Awarded by the Canada Council for the Arts, the Killam Prizes celebrate working scientists, writers, doctors and researchers who have dedicated their careers to solving challenges in our daily lives. Read full story.
Suraj Borkar wins departmental TA award
Suraj Borkar, a PhD candidate supervised by Prof. Arun Ramchandran, is the recipient of this year's Diran Basmadjian Graduate Scholarship in Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry. The award recognizes an outstanding doctoral student, as well as the student's teaching/instruction in our undergraduate program.
Upcoming CEGSA events
Mark your calendar for the following CEGSA events (including one today):
- Fika Friday ft. Cinco de Mayo (open to everyone) - come and enjoy homemade pico de gallo with tortilla chips starting at 2:30pm today in the Grad Common Room.
- Fika Friday ft. CEGSA co-chair plaque presentation (open to everyone) - the Department would like to honour our 2016-17 and 2015-16 CEGSA co-chairs with special plaques in recognition for all their hard work. The presentation starts at 2:30pm in the Grad Common Room on Friday, May 19.
- Engineering grad Hart House Farm trip (open to grad students) - Friday, June 9 to Saturday, June 10, grad students are invited to join for a camping trip at Hart House Farm. To register visit https://tinyurl.com/gradcamp
May 5, 2017
Volume 34, Issue 13
In this issue:
Special Events
Departmental Events
Special Events |
LSCDS 11th Annual Career Day
The Life Sciences Career Development Society (LSCDS) will be hosting its signature Career Day on Friday, May 5 from 9am to 5pm in the Bahen Centre. The Career Day provides students with a forum to explore career paths within a variety of industries, and to gain insight from, and network with successful professionals. For more info (including how to register), click here.
Graduate Engineering Career Fair
Mark Thursday, May 11 in your calendar for a unique opportunity to meet with diverse companies - from startups to multinational organizations - who are hiring students and alumni with graduate degrees in engineering.
Employers attending the Graduate Engineering Career Fair taking place at the Examination Centre are seeking experienced candidates with MEng, MASc and PhD degrees to fill a wide range of positions. This is an opportunity to bring your career experience to companies who are looking for employees like you to make a difference in their workplace.
For a list of participating employers and to register, visit uoft.me/engcareerfair
Medicine by Design Global Speaker Series
Zev Gartner from the University of California, San Francico will be giving a talk entitled, Building Tissues to Understand how Tissues Build Themselves. The talk will take place on Tuesday, May 16 from 12-1pm in the Medical Sciences Building, Room 2172. For more info (including how to register), click here.
Techno-economic Assessment Workshop
BioZone's NSERC Industrial Biocatalysis Network is hosting a workshop on techno-economic analysis running from Sunday, May 28 to Monday, May 29 on campus. For more info (including how to register), click here.
Tuesday, June 13 - Spring Convocation - academic procession and reception registration for faculty and staff will open on Monday, May 8 (please watch out for the registration email), the Convocation Ceremony this year starts at 6:30pm in Con Hall
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CHEM ENG NEWS is a weekly summary of news, events and opportunities for students, faculty and staff of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. If you have questions or comments, please contact: external.chemeng@utoronto.ca. Catch up on missed issues by visiting our archive.
All contents copyrighted. © 2010 The Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto. |