U of T Engineering opens Myhal Centre for Engineering Innovation & Entrepreneurship

On Friday, April 27 the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering celebrated the opening of the Myhal Centre for Engineering Innovation & Entrepreneurship. The new building embodies key engineering qualities such as collaboration across disciplines, experiential learning, leadership and entrepreneurship. Read more.
Summer safety training
The safety training for 2018 summer students are as follows:
- Part I: In-Person Training, Monday, May 7, WB116, from 9:30-11:30am.
- Part II: On-line, to be completed prior to the In-Person Exam
- Part III: In-Person Examination, Friday, May 11, WB116,
As per University and Departmental guidelines, we are required to
provide training to all personnel. If you have hired a summer
student, please inform them of the date, time and location of the
training program. It would be helpful if you could provide names of
any summer students to Rodney Gensell (rodney.gensell@utoronto.ca) for
attendance and handouts purposes. Students from our Department that have completed their fourth year,
have to attend this training session (their training for fourth-year
thesis will suffice). They need to attend the CHE2222F in September. The training is compulsory for all other summer students/personnel,
including those in volunteer positions and on co-op placements.
MEng project in bioprocess and waste treatment
Fundamentals of Electro-dewatering of Pulp and Paper Sludge: Investigating the Effect of Conductivity, is looking to recruit an MEng student for the summer. Interested MEng students should send their CV and copy of their transcripts (unofficial is fine) to Prof. Grant Allen (dgrant.allen@utoronto.ca) and Dr. Torsten Meyer (torsten.meyer@utoronto.ca).
Opportunity to study Croatian culture/language overseas
U of T students are invited to apply for a funded language school position at the
University of Split, Croatia. The $1,500 scholarship will cover return flight and course fees for one U of T student. Click here for full details. The deadline to apply is Tuesday, May 15.
Inaugural Bosh North America University Technology Demo Day
Bosch is organizing its inaugural Bosch North America University Technology Demo Day. The event will offer students/faculty a platform to demonstrate their projects (completed and ongoing), network with Bosch associates and learn more about Bosch products and opportunities. The event is tentatively scheduled to take place at the Bosch Technical Center, Plymouth on Friday, August 17. Registration is FREE. However, participants are expected to pay for their own travel and accommodations. If you are interested in attending, indicate your interest and register for the event by today.
If you have questions, please contact Girish Choudankar at Girish.Choudankar@us.bosch.com
APPROACHING: BioZone Symposium on Mon, May 14
The next BioZone Symposium will be held on Monday, May 14 from 1-5 pm in BA1160. The symposium will include presentations, a 3-minute thesis competition, and a poster session. Prof. Dana Philpott from U of T's Department of Immunology is the keynote speaker and will be giving a talk entitled, Engineered bacterial strains to improve gut health through targeting NOD2. Snacks, coffee and pizza will be provided to all those who register online.
APPROACHING: Student Life Catalyst Award deadline
The Department is now accepting nominations for the Student Life Catalyst Awards, which seek to recognize deserving undergraduate and graduate students who are convocating for their significant contributions to the student life experience at ChemE. The deadline to apply is Friday, May 18. For full details, click here.
REMINDER: CEGSA Semi-Formal on Fri, Jun 1
This year's CEGSA Semi-Formal will be held at Hart House on Friday, June 1 starting at 6pm. Early-bird price is $40 for the first 30 people. Regular price is $50. Cost of admission includes dinner, dessert, dancing and an open bar! GRAD STUDENTS, refer to the CEGSA Digest for the registration link. FACULTY/STAFF, there are still four free tickets left. If you're interested in one of them, email Jennifer Hsu at your earliest convenience. She can be reached at jennifer.hsu@utoronto.ca.
May 4, 2018
Volume 35, Issue 16
In this issue:
Grad Office
Chem Eng Events