A Week Filled with Great News!
ChemE Prof Appointed New Director of IBBME
Professor Christopher Yip has been appointed the new Director of the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (IBBME) - a unique, multi-disciplinary organization in which scientists and practitioners from applied science, engineering, medicine, dentistry and the life sciences collaborate to pursue research and graduate and undergraduate teaching mandates within the context of biomedical engineering. He will begin his five-year term starting on July 1, 2013. Read more.
PhD Candidate Wins Inaugural Weston Fellowship
PhD Candidate Julie-Anne Gandier from the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry is one of 16 inaugural Weston Fellows. This prestigious award is dedicated to international experience at the Doctoral level and is made possible through The University of Toronto and The W. Garfield Weston Foundation. Read more.
ChemE Prof Recognized by Faculty for Exceptional Research
Professors Elizabeth Edwards, Radhakrishnan Mahadevan and Emma Master are the inaugural recipients of the Faculty’s Research Leader Award, for a faculty member (or team of faculty members) who has made significant contributions to enhancing the research profile of the Faculty. Read more.
ChemE Staff Goes Above and Beyond
This year’s recipient of the Quality of Student Experience Award, which recognizes a staff member who has made significant contributions to the quality of student experience in the Faculty, is Deborah Peart. Read more.
April 26, 2013
Volume 30, Issue 14
In this issue:
Research Office
Chem Eng Events
Research Office |
Destabilization of Yellow Mustard Emulsion Using Organic Solvents
Tabtabaei, S., Ataya Pulido, V.M., Diosady, L.L.
JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society 2013, pp. 1-10. Article not published yet, but available online Article in Press
Co-gasification of biomass and non-biomass feedstocks: Synergistic and inhibition effects of switchgrass mixed with sub-bituminous coal and fluid coke during CO2 gasification
Habibi, R., Kopyscinski, J., Masnadi, M.S., Lam, J., Grace, J.R., Mims, C.A., Hill, J.M.
Energy and Fuels 2013, 27 (1) pp. 494-500
Double click: Dual functionalized polymeric micelles with antibodies and peptides
Chan, D.P. Y., Owen, S.C., Shoichet, M.S.
Bioconjugate Chemistry 2013, 24(1) pp. 105-113.
Prediction of weak acid toxicity in S. Cerevisiae using genome-scale models
Hyland, P.B., Sow Mun, S.L., Mahadevan, R.
AIChE 2012, AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings
Analysis and design of a genetic circuit for dynamic metabolic engineering
Anesiadis, N., Kobayashi, H., Cluett, W.R., Mahadevan, R.
American Chemical Society Publications 2013
Notices |
Special Lecture on Monday, April 29
On Monday, April 29 from 3-4pm in CCBR's Red Room, Assistant Professor Sharon Gerecht from Johns Hopkins University will be giving a presentation on Regulating the differentiation and assembly of vascular networks. Click here for more info.
PDF Positions in Forestry
There are U of T funded postdoctoral fellow positions available at the Faculty of Forestry. For more info, click here.
Microsoft Campus Agreement
As of May 1, 2013, the Department will be covered under the University of Toronto's new licensing agreement for Microsoft software on campus. The new licensing means that all university-owned computers that have a valid copy of Windows or Mac OS X installed are entitled to licenses for any version of Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Security Endpoint Protection antivirus, and/or Microsoft Office. The agreement applies to UofT-owned computers (including Apple computers) used either on university campus or at home, such as faculty and staff computers, research lab computers, and any computers in the department that were purchased by the university. Personal computers not owned by the university do not qualify for Microsoft Windows licensing, but Microsoft also has a Home Use Program which allows faculty and staff to purchase a two-license copy of the latest version of Microsoft Office for either Mac or PC for use on their home, personal computers for $11. For more information or to arrange for licensing, check the ChemEng wiki or email Dan or Joanne directly.
Special Lecture on Tuesday, May 14
Professor Dwight Seferos from the Department of Chemistry will be giving a special lecture on Tuesday, May 14 in WB215 starting at 11am on New Materials for Solar Cells, Energy Storage and Catalysis.
CEGSA's Spring Formal: Tickets Now On-sale
Tickets are $55 (first 50 tickets) or $60 for all tickets thereafter (maximum of 100 people). Contact Parthiv (parthiv.amin@mail.utoronto.ca) in WB320 or at CEGSA's Fika Fridays (cash or check accepted). Open bar, buffet dinner, DJ and dancing at Hart House on Friday, June 7 starting at 6pm in the South Dining Room.
2013 Safety Training Schedule
Part I: In-Person training presentation, Friday, May 03, 2013, 9:30 to 11:30 am, WB-116
Part II: On-line training (to be completed by the students prior to the in-person exam)
Part III: In-Person Examination, Wednesday, May 08, 2013, 10:00 to 10:30 am, WB-116
The training is compulsory for all other summer students/personnel, including those in volunteer positions and on co-op placements.
Lectures at the Leading Edge
The Department is seeking submission for the 2013-2014 season. If you would like to nominate and host an individual as part of our series, send your nominations to cecilia.konney@utoronto.ca. The nomination ‘package’ should include not only the name and affiliation of the proposed lecturer but also a PDF nomination package. The package should include your reasoning for the nomination, a copy of the candidate's webpage or CV highlighting his/her research interests, a list of recent/most significant publications, and which departmental cluster best aligns with the proposed lecturer. Nominations are due by Friday, May 3.
LOT | Chem Summer Program
LOT|Chem Summer Program is a learning initiative program for students to learn about leadership through the process of self-discovery and team-building. Currently we are looking for alumni who would be interested in sitting on a panel to discuss their leadership path to success. If you know of alumni who are available from 1:30 pm to 4:00pm on Friday, July 5, please contact Cecilia Konney at cecilia.konney@utoronto.ca by Tuesday, May 7. If you have any students in your labs or offices who would be interested in joining us once a week, please feel free to have them attend the 1st session or contact Cecilia in WB 218 for more details.
Frontiers in Biotechnology
On May 9, BioZone will host a 1-day research symposium titled "Frontiers in Biotechnology" to coincide with the visit of a large contingent of researchers from Wageningen University in the Netherlands. This event is free; please register through http://www.biozone.utoronto.ca/content/research-symposium-frontiers-biotechnology
June 1, 2013 - Spring Reunion: Undergrad Common Room, 11:30-12:30pm
June 7, 2013 - CEGSA's Spring Formal: Hart House, 6:00pm-midnight
June 19, 2013 - Spring Convocation Tour, Lunch and Ceremony: More details available soon, 10am - 4:30pm
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CHEM ENG NEWS is a weekly summary of news, events and opportunities for students, faculty and staff of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. If you have questions or comments, please contact: external.chemeng@utoronto.ca. Catch up on missed issues by visiting our archive.
All contents copyrighted. © 2010 The Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto. |