Nikolai DeMartini receives NSERC Industrial Research Chair
The NSERC Industrial Research Chairs (IRCs) provide funding over five years to support academic-industry collaborations on both fundamental and applied research that is of commercial interest. The latest appointments bring the total number of IRCs at U of T Engineering to 10. Among the new appointments is Prof. Nikolai DeMartini who has been named the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in the Role and Fate of Inorganics in the Industrial Processing of Woody Biomass. Read full story.
Students in the news
A number of good news items regarding our undergraduate community:
- Teammates Liz White (ChemE 1T7+PEY), Jonathan Almeida (ChemE 1T8+PEY), Seyoung Chang (ChemE 1T8+PEY) and Rosten Role (ChemE 1T8+PEY) are finalists in the 2018 Minerva- CIAC case study competition and will be competing in the final round on Tuesday, May 1 at the Partners in Prevention Conference.
- Chem Club was voted EngSoc's Discipline Club of the Year, Madison Desembrana (ChemE 2T0) Class Rep of the Year, and Muskan Sethi (ChemE 2T0) Director of the Year.
A historical snapshot of Wallberg

Click here to see how the Wallberg Building has changed over the last several decades. Use the slide bar and drag it back and forth to really see the difference. Note the new windows!
Successful ChemE book drive
In October 2017, the Faculty of Physical Sciences at the University of Nigeria received 210 textbooks in excellent condition from ChemE. This week, the University of Nigeria sent a very kind note to our Department expressing the school’s profound gratitude for this donation. Thank you to Prof. Paul Jowlabar who coordinated the effort and contributed textbooks. A big thanks also goes out to Profs. Graeme Norval, Joe Paradi, Jane Phillips and Honghi Tran who also contributed books.
April 12, 2018
Volume 35, Issue 13
In this issue:
Upcoming Events
Chem Eng Events
Upcoming Events |
Young professional networking event on Wed, Apr 18
GRAD STUDENTS, are you interested in growing your career network? If yes, consider attending this FREE networking event for young professionals from 5-9pm on Wednesday, April 18 at the Maison Mercer located at 15 Mercer Street. For more information and to register, click here.
BizSkule on Thu, Apr 19
There's still time to register for the next BizSkule event taking place on Thursday, April 19 from 6-8:30pm at Bennett Jones located at 100 King Street West, #3400. The topic to be discussed by returning alumni is Blockchain: Decrypting the New Economy. Click here for more info.
IWI Seminar on Thu, May 3
On Thursday, May 3 from 12-1pm in WB407, Professor Zhen (Jason) He from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Virginia Tech will be giving an IWI Seminar entitled, Resource recovery from wastewater using bioelectrochemical systems.
LSCDS Career Day on Fri, May 4
On Friday, May 4 the Life Sciences Career Development Society (LSCDS) will be hosting its signature Career Day, which provides a forum for up to 500 student attendees to explore career paths within a variety of industries, and to gain insight from, and network with successful professionals. The event will run from 8:30am to 5pm. Location TBD. For up-to-date information, click here.
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CHEM ENG NEWS is a weekly summary of news, events and opportunities for students, faculty and staff of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. If you have questions or comments, please contact: external.chemeng@utoronto.ca. Catch up on missed issues by visiting our archive.
All contents copyrighted. © 2010 The Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto. |