ChemE Prof Wins the Northrop Frye Award
Professor Greg Evans (ChemE) is this year’s recipient of the Northrop Frye Award, one of U of T’s Awards of Excellence. The Northrop Frye Award recognizes those who have gone above and beyond the University’s standard of excellence, setting themselves apart through innovation in teaching and their commitment to conveying the excitement and importance of research to undergraduate and graduate students. To read more, click here.
March 1, 2013
Volume 30, Issue 8
In this issue:
Grad Office
Research News
Chem Eng Events
Grad Office |
Date of Meeting: Thursday, March 7, 2013 in 407 at 10:00 am
Committee: Chair: Prof. E. J. Acosta; Supervisor(s): Prof. H. N. Tran, Prof. R. R. Farnood; Other Member(s): Prof. C. Q. Jia, Prof. D. W. Kirk
- March 10: Final date to drop full-year or Winter session '500-level' courses without academic penalty
- March 20: OGS application deadline for Visa Students
- March 22: OGS application deadline for Domestic (Canadian Citizen and Permanent Resident) Students
Research News |
U of T Research Completion Award Application Deadline: April 15, 2013
The RCA competition deadline is Monday, April 15, 2013. Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered. Full program details and the RCA application form can be found at: http://www.research.utoronto.ca/research-funding-opportunities/university-of-toronto-research-completion-award/
Questions about the RCA program may be directed to Melissa Tetley, Research Funding Manager, Internal Programs at melissa.tetley@utoronto.ca or 416-946-5594.
Science Leadership Program, May 2-4, 2013
The University of Toronto Science Engagement will host its first Science Leadership Program (SLP) from May 2-4, 2013. The SLP is meant to provide outstanding academic scientists with the skills, approaches and frameworks for engaging more effectively with the media, the decision makers and the public throughout their careers. For more info, click here.
Killam Research Fellowship
Killam Research Fellowships provide two full years of release time from teaching and administrative duties to individual scholars who wish to pursue independent research. They are intended for established scholars who have demonstrated outstanding research ability, have published the results of their research in substantial publications in their field and are expected to continue contributing to the Canadian research community after they have completed their fellowship project.
These awards are valued at $70,000 per year. Fellowship recipients must obtain support for research and laboratory costs from other sources. Applicants who are retired are not eligible.
Information Session:
St. George Campus on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 from 1-3pm in the Governing Council Chamber, Simcoe Hall (2nd Floor) 27 King's College Circle. Please RSVP by Sunday, March 10, 2013 to Martina Simmonds, martina.simmonds@utoronto.ca. A 10-minute breakout session will be offered for more specific questions. If interested, please ensure you indicated this when you RSVP.
Thursday, May 3, 2013: Internal Deadline
Tuesday, May 15, 2013 (9:00am): Sponsor Deadline
Additional information about the Killam Reasearch Fellowship can be found on our website or the CCA website.
Notices |
Eco-Tec is Hiring
Eco-Tec, a company that manufactures innovative products and solutions related to industrial water and chemical treatment systems, is hiring for the following positions: Regional Sales Manager - Asia and Supervisor, Technical Services. Interested candidates are asked to send their resumes to careers@eco-tec.com quoting job #701-RSMA for the Regioal Sales Manager - Asia position or job # 605-STS for the Supervisor, Technical Services position.
SOCAAR Seminar
On Wednesday, March 6, 2013 from 3-4pm in WB407, Elisabeth Gilmore from the University of Maryland will present Uncertainty and Variability in Social Costs for Air Quality. For more info, click here.
If you are having any telephone problems at all (i.e., static, can't
call out, light problems, etc.), please contact telephone repairs at
82000 and report the problem. If you are having problems with people calling you and just getting a
busy signal, before you call 82000, try this - pick up your handset and
dial 116. If you hear three quick beeps and then nothing, the problem
may be solved. Have someone call you to check. If that doesn't clear
the problem, then call 82000.
CEGSA Goes Curling
Thursday, March 14 from 4-6pm at the East York Curling Club. Sign up here http://tinyurl.com/cp7tgke to join in on this very fun and Canadian sport for just $5 per person! No experience required. Limited space.
Persian New Year Lunch
Come and enjoy a delicious buffet lunch of Persian food (meat & vegetarian options) with CEGSA on Thursday, March 21 from 12-2pm in the common Room (WB247).
LOT Goes Running
LOT|Chem Working Group is participating in Harry's Spring Run-Off in High Park on Saturday, April 6. If you would like to run or walk the 5km event, email cecilia.konney@utoronto.ca before Monday, March 11, 2013. Participation fee is $50.
March 6, 2013 - LLE: James Rawlins, The University of Southern Mississippi, Bio Mass Utilization for Advanced Materials, WB116, 12:30-2pm
March 13, 2013 - LLE: Charles Haynes, University of British Columbia, Enhanced Technologies for Cancer Diagnostics Utilizing Sugar and Base-Modified Nucleic Acid Analogs, WB116 12:30-2pm
March 22, 2013 - 28th Annual Chemical Engineering Dinner: 89 Chestnut Street Residence, 6-10pm. Register online before March 4, 2013.
March 27, 2013 - LLE: Joachim Kohn, Rutgers University, Biomaterials Discovery: Combinatorial Methods, Rapid Collection and Computational Modeling, WB116 12:30-2pm
April 3, 2013 - LLE: David Graves, University of California at Berkeley, Biomedical Applications of Ambient Gas Plasma: The Confluence of Redox Biology and Plasma Science, WB116, 12:30-2pm
April 10, 2013 - LLE: R. Paul Singh, University of California at Davis, Human Stomach: The Ultimate Food Processor, WB116, 12:30-2pm
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CHEM ENG NEWS is a weekly summary of news, events and opportunities for students, faculty and staff of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. If you have questions or comments, please contact: external.chemeng@utoronto.ca. Catch up on missed issues by visiting our archive.
All contents copyrighted. © 2010 The Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto. |