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News and Annoucements

Will Cluett wins Sustained Excellence in Teaching Award

This week, Professor Will Cluett garnered the Faculty’s Sustained Excellence in Teaching Award for excellence in teaching over a period of at least 15 years. Read full story.

Don Kirk shares Connaught Innovation Award of $790,000 with eight other U of T researchers

Professor Don Kirk is among nine researchers at U of T sharing $790,000 in funding through the 2016-17 Connaught Innovation Award. Professor Kirk won for his research on electrochemical glycerol carbonate production. Read full story.

New ChemE prof uses microwaves to make mining more sustainable

Professor Erin Bobicki (MSE, ChemE) is working to reduce the environmental impact of mining and mineral processing — and her secret weapon is a common household appliance. Read full story.

Research Days needs profs!

Our undergrad students are organizing Research Days and requires more faculty members to participate. The event is scheduled from 5-7pm on Tuesday, February 7 and Thursday, February 9, and will be held in MB128. This annual event brings together professors and students, and exposes our undergrads to the diverse research taking place in our department and helps them land summer research positions. If you're a prof and interested in sharing your research or are looking to hire a summer student, please contact Roham immediately. He can be reached at roham.dorakhan@mail.utoronto.ca

Upcoming CEGSA events

CESGA will be hosting a Games Night in the grad common room (WB247) on Wednesday, February 15 starting at 5:30pm. Free pizza will be served. All are welcome.

CEGSA will also be hosting a Career Workshop on Thursday, February 23 from 12-2pm in WB116. This event is specific to grad students and open to all grad students across the Faculty.

Special talk on Thu, Feb 16

As part of ECE's Engineering Entrepreneurship Series, Chakameh Shafii (MechE 1T2) will be giving a talk about the drastic change in her career from a mechanical engineer to a mental health entrepreneur. Chakameh is the founder of TranQool. Her talk will take place on Thursday, February 16 from 5-6pm in SF1105. The talk is followed by an informal dinner with the speaker in SF560. Please RSVP here if you wish to attend the dinner. You do not have to RSVP for the talk.


February 3, 2017

Volume 34, Issue 4

In this issue:

Grad Office


Grad Office


MASc DEPARTMENTAL ORAL - Genevieve Ann Conant

Date of Meeting: Wednesday, February 8
Start Time: 2pm
Location (Building and Room): Rosebrugh building room 407
Supervisor: Prof. M. Radisic; Chair: Prof. R. Mahadevan; Other Member: Prof. E. Young (MIE)

* PhD and MASc Departmental Oral Exams are open to all Graduate students

Upcoming Awards & Scholarships

Remember to check the Awards & Scholarships page frequently for upcoming application deadlines.

Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS): Departmental deadline for International applicants is Friday, February 10



Click here for the Chem Eng Calendar


Wednesday, February 15 - LLE - Reinventing the Toilet: Tapping Innovators to Birth a Billion Dollar Industry That Will Change the World, Brian Arbogast, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 12-1pm, WB116

Friday, February 24 - GRD - poster session in Great Hall, Hart House, 9:45am-12:45pm; interviews various offices, 12:45-3:45pm; lab tours, 3:45-5pm; REGISTRATION NOW CLOSED

Wednesday, March 15 - LLE - How Biofilm Processes Open New Opportunities in Environmental Biotechnology, Bruce Rittmann, Arizona State University, 12-1pm, WB116

Wednesday, March 22 - LLE - The Photophysics of Optoelectronic Materials, Neil Greenham, University of Cambridge, 12-1pm, WB116

Wednesday, March 29 - LLE - The Role of Food Science and Engineering in Food Security, Rickey Yada, University of British Columbia, 12-1pm, WB116

Friday, April 7 - 32nd Annual Chemical Engineering Dinner - details coming soon


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CHEM ENG NEWS is a weekly summary of news, events and opportunities for students, faculty and staff of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. If you have questions or comments, please contact: external.chemeng@utoronto.ca. Catch up on missed issues by visiting our archive.

  All contents copyrighted. © 2010 The Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto.