Renovation/infrastructure update
After a successful electrical shutdown last weekend, the renovated labs in WB are almost complete and we'll be starting up AHU 5 and 6 soon. As the labs go through their final inspection for approval for occupancy, it is very important that nobody enter the renovated labs (WB103, 233, 319/324/325) and the mechanical rooms on the 4th level without an escort from the contractor (Dineen Construction) or our U of T lead (Melissa Lao).
National Society of Black Engineers hosts conference at U of T Engineering
Three chapters of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) are joining forces to inspire the next generation at the group’s NSBE Region 1 East Canada Zone conference, to be hosted at U of T Engineering on Saturday, February 24. Two of the co-organizers, are from ChemE. Congratulations on the great work Portia and Nicole Deterville (both ChemE 1T9 +PEY). Read full story.
2018 SAFE DESIGN AWARDS CONTEST for engineering students
Please encourage our undergrads to to enter the 2018 Minerva Safe Design contest. Interested groups need to inform Minerva Canada TODAY that they will be participating in the contest. The contest submission date is Monday, April 16. Contest details, are available here.
Tour the stunning student spaces in the CEIE: Floors 1 to 4
The first five floors of U of T Engineering’s newest building will include makerspaces, a world-class auditorium and much more. Click here to tour the first four floors.
U of T Pharma, Biotech & Health Care Career Fair on Mar 7
On Wednesday, March 7 from 11am to 3pm in MedSci's David Naylor Students Commons, U of T will be hosting its Pharma, Biotech & Health Care Career Fair. Come out and meet organizations and companies that want to hire
undergraduate, graduate students and recent alumni. For more info, visit cln.utoronto.ca
LSCDS networking event on Feb 8
The Life Sciences Career Development Society (LSCDS) is hosting
Networking 101 to help grad students build professional relationships. The event will take place on Thursday, February 8 from 6-7pm in the Red Room of CCBR located at 160 College Street. To learn more and to register, click here.
February 2, 2018
Volume 35, Issue 5
In this issue:
Chem Eng Events
Reminders |
PhD opportunities at TU Graz
Graz University of Technology (Austria) has two PhD opportunities spanning three years starting in summer 2018. The deadline to apply is Sunday, March 11. For details, click on the links below:
CEGSA running club 2018
The CEGSA running club is starting up for 2018! Come run once or twice a week at Hart House/Athletic Centre (we will move outside in the spring). If you are interested, please select which times and days of the week work for you by Thursday, February 1(two of these times will be selected for weekly running club): https://doodle.com/poll/mima9tpet8sirfd8. Runners also have the option of participating in the Manulife Ride for Heart 5k or 10k Run on June 3rd, 2018. Registration fee is $40 and CEGSA will rebate $5 for the first 20 students who sign up. As part of this charity event, each participant must also raise $100 to confirm their participation. More information and registration here. Upon registration, join the "CEGSA Rides for Heart 2018" group to see who else has signed up.
HSI call for submissions
The Health Science Inquiry (HSI) is a student-run organization that produces an annual scientific publication showcasing the writing and art of Canadian trainees. The group is partnered with internationally recognized academic journals, fostering discussion on global health issues pertinent to Canadians and Canadian emerging scientists. Each issue of HSI is framed around a specific theme - this year’s theme is Chronic Disease.
If you're a grad student who'd like to provide a submission, click here for more info. The submission deadline is Friday, February 16.
PEO 2018 Council Elections
Note to ChemE members with a PEng: PEO 2018 Council Elections starts TODAY! Voting closes on Friday, February 23 at 4pm. Complete details, including how to vote, candidate information and video recordings of the All Candidates Webcasts, can be found at peovote.ca.
Genomic Applications Partnership Program (GAPP)
Ontario Genomics is pleased to announce that two new rounds of Genome Canada’s Genomic Applications Partnership Program (GAPP) are now open. The GAPP funds public-private research collaborations focused on developing genomics-derived technologies that address opportunities and challenges identified by industry, government, not-for-profits or other “Receptors” of genomics knowledge and tools. The program provides a unique opportunity for Receptor organizations to collaborate with an ’omics researcher, and to leverage their R&D investments with public funding. Click here for full details, including info on how to apply. The deadline is Monday, February 26.
LLE date change
Sanjay Sarma's lecture entitled, Rethinking Education for the 21st Century, originally scheduled for Wednesday, February 28 has been rescheduled to Wednesday, March 21. Please note the change in your calendars.
Friday, February 23, 2018 - ChemE Graduate Research Day (ChemE GRD) - starts at 9am, Hart House and Wallberg Building
Wednesday, March 7, 2018 - 2017 AEESP Distinguished Lecture/LLE - Pedro Alvarez, Rice University, Proliferation and Control of Multidrug-Resistant "Superbugs" in Sewage Treatment Plants, starts at 12pm, WB116
Wednesday, March 21, 2018 - LLE - Sanjay Sarma, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rethinking Education for the 21st Century, starts at 12pm, WB116
Friday, March 23, 2018 - 2nd annual Chemical Engineering Exhibition and 33rd Chemical Engineering Dinner - Details coming soon
Wednesday, March 28, 2018 - LLE - Kristala Jones Prather, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Metabolite Valves: Dynamic Control of Metabolic Flux for Pathway Engineering, starts at 12pm, WB116
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CHEM ENG NEWS is a weekly summary of news, events and opportunities for students, faculty and staff of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. If you have questions or comments, please contact: external.chemeng@utoronto.ca. Catch up on missed issues by visiting our archive.
All contents copyrighted. © 2010 The Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto. |