Research Associate (Limited Term) opportunity
The Research Associate (Limited Term) will work for the Centre for Global Engineering (CGEN) to support its Reinvent the Toilet Project. Working under the close supervision of the Principal Investigator and senior team members, the Research Associate (Limited Term) will provide expert advice on the development and/or application of catalysts including physical, chemical and morphological characterization, kinetics measurements, laboratory and pilot scale reactor testing, reactivity, selectivity and deactivation studies. The deadline to apply is Monday, January 29. Click here for the full description.
Update on AHUs

The heating system for the new Air Handling Units are being started up. On the evening of Wednesday, January 17, there was a gasket failure on one of the factory assembled heat exchangers. The pictures show the gap in the gasket and the piece of gasket that failed. This lead to the water leak and water damage, which was cleaned up on Thursday, January 18. The electrical outage scheduled for Saturday, January 27 is critical. The new labs and the new Air Handling Units need to be tied in to the building electrical system; this will occur on the 27th. If it goes well, we will see the ventilation systems starting up and we will get occupancy of the renovated labs.
WHMIS Refresher Session
All workers are required by ChemE to complete an annual WMHIS refresher session if you have not previously completed a safety training session during the current year. If you have successfully completed the CHE2222 safety course anytime in 2017, you are exempt from this year's refresher. If you successfully completed a WHMIS refresher/safety training with another organization or Department/Faculty at the University anytime in 2017, you may forgo this year's refresher by providing a letter from the host organization/department confirming your participation in a safety training program this year. This signed letter must be on letterhead, and identify the date/time/duration/scope of the training session. If you are not exempt and must complete the WMHIS refersher, please refer to the email sent by Rodney Gensell on Monday, January 15. The deadline to complete the refresher is Wednesday, January 31.
Genomic Applications Partnership Program (GAPP)
Ontario Genomics is pleased to announce that two new rounds of Genome Canada’s Genomic Applications Partnership Program (GAPP) are now open. The GAPP funds public-private research collaborations focused on developing genomics-derived technologies that address opportunities and challenges identified by industry, government, not-for-profits or other “Receptors” of genomics knowledge and tools. The program provides a unique opportunity for Receptor organizations to collaborate with an ’omics researcher, and to leverage their R&D investments with public funding. Click here for full details, including info on how to apply. The deadline is Monday, February 26.
PEO 2018 Council Elections
Note to ChemE members with a PEng: PEO 2018 Council Elections starts TODAY! Voting closes on Friday, February 23 at 4pm. Complete details, including how to vote, candidate information and video recordings of the All Candidates Webcasts, can be found at peovote.ca.
Electronic Travel Authorization
For those of you organizing visitors to the department travelling to Canada, your guests may now require Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to enter the country via air travel. Without an eTA linked to their passport, visa-exempt foreign nationals travelling to Canada by air will not be permitted to board their flight. Find out more about the Government of Canada’s eTA policy, and how to apply online here: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/visit-canada/eta/facts.html
January 19, 2018
Volume 35, Issue 3
In this issue:
Upcoming Events
Chem Eng Events
Upcoming Events |
Medicine by Design event on Mon, Jan 22
Jason Burdick from the University of Pennsylvania will give a talk titled, Injectable shear-thinning and self-healing hydrogels for tissue repair. The talk is hosted by Molly Shoichet and will take place on Monday, January 22 from 10-11am in the Red Room of the Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research located at 160 College Street.
ChemE Meet & Eat: Graduate Roundtable on Tue, Jan 23
This is just a reminder that the Department is hosting its graudate student town hall on Tuesday, January 23 from 12-1pm in GB202. To all grad students, come out for a delicious catered lunch and share your thoughts on some important matters relevant to you!
Engineering Entrepreneurship talk on Thu, Jan 25
Jerry Evans from Nia Technologies Inc. will be giving a talk entitled, 3D Printing – Using Technology for a Higher Purpose. The talk will take place on Thursday, January 25 from 5-6pm in SF1105. An informal dinner with the speaker will follow the lecture. If you wish to attend the dinner, you must register here.
Skating with CEGSA on Thu, Feb 1
If you love skating, CEGSA is heading over to the Bentway Skate Trail on Thursday, February 1. The group will depart from the grad common room (WB247) at 5pm. Skating is free but bring $10 for skate rentals.
ChemE Graduate Research Day on Fri, Feb 23
ChemE Professors, please remember to register your group for our Graduate Research Day events on Friday, February 23. For full details and the registration link, please refer to the reminder email that Jen Hsu will send TODAY.
Reminders |
Postdoctoral fellow opportunity
Elodie Passeport is seeking a postdoctoral fellow to start in February/March 2018. Candidates should have experience in at least one of the following areas: environmental engineering, analytical chemistry, stable isotope chemistry, passive water treatment systems, hydrology, or water quality improvement. For project description and details on how to apply by Wednesday, January 31, click here.
HSI call for submissions
The Health Science Inquiry (HSI) is a student-run organization that produces an annual scientific publication showcasing the writing and art of Canadian trainees. The group is partnered with internationally recognized academic journals, fostering discussion on global health issues pertinent to Canadians and Canadian emerging scientists. Each issue of HSI is framed around a specific theme - this year’s theme is Chronic Disease.
If you're a grad student who'd like to provide a submission, click here for more info. The submission deadline is Friday, February 16.
LLE date change
Sanjay Sarma's lecture entitled, Rethinking Education for the 21st Century, originally scheduled for Feb 28 has been rescheduled to Mar 21. Please note the change in your calendars.
Friday, February 23, 2018 - ChemE Graduate Research Day (ChemE GRD) - Details coming soon
Wednesday, March 7, 2018 - 2017 AEESP Distinguished Lecture/LLE - Pedro Alvarez, Rice University, Proliferation and Control of Multidrug-Resistant "Superbugs" in Sewage Treatment Plants, starts at 12pm, WB116
Wednesday, March 21, 2018 - LLE - Sanjay Sarma, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rethinking Education for the 21st Century, starts at 12pm, WB116
Friday, March 23, 2018 - 2nd annual Chemical Engineering Exhibition and 33rd Chemical Engineering Dinner - Details coming soon
Wednesday, March 28, 2018 - LLE - Kristala Jones Prather, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Metabolite Valves: Dynamic Control of Metabolic Flux for Pathway Engineering, starts at 12pm, WB116
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CHEM ENG NEWS is a weekly summary of news, events and opportunities for students, faculty and staff of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. If you have questions or comments, please contact: external.chemeng@utoronto.ca. Catch up on missed issues by visiting our archive.
All contents copyrighted. © 2010 The Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto. |